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Zoom Meeting on Wednesday Sept. 22nd 2021 at 7pm

Writer's picture: albeharrellalbeharrell

The following is an excerpt from Debbie Butler's email announcing the meeting:

Hello to Everyone.

I can't believe it's already the middle of September. The summer went by so fast. It still feels like summer outside !!

As the Covid virus is still very much disrupting our lives, we will be continuing our meetings with the virtual zoom. Greg is eager to continue to give us fun facts and traditions for our holidays. Plus, a trivia game to test our memories. Mine might be a bit rusty after the summer holidays.

This month Greg will talk about Thanksgiving. Where did the Canadian Thanksgiving come from ? Why do we celebrate in October ? What are some of our Canadian traditions ?

Also, we would like to talk about " What did you do over the summer holidays ?". As the restrictions eased, did you see more of your family and friends ? Did you go out to restaurants, parks, shopping .... ?

Here is the Zoom link and phone information.

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 874 1164 6144 Passcode: 225665 One tap mobile +15873281099,,87411646144# Canada +16473744685,,87411646144# Canada Dial by your location +1 647 374 4685 Canada +1 647 558 0588 Canada Meeting ID: 874 1164 6144

Hope you will be able to join us next Wednesday.

Debbie Butler

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