Order Pamphlets
Stroke Recovery Pamphlets Available:
The Impact of Stroke upon the Family (An introduction to stroke issues for the family and caregiver 8 page booklet)
What is the SRA (now After Stroke)?
What is stroke?
Stroke is an emergency!
Speech, Communication and Stroke
Help for Caregivers
Emotional and Behavioural Changes after Stroke
Sexuality and Stroke
Cost of booklets (The Impact of Stroke upon the Family): 64 cents a copy, or $ 64.00 per hundred
Cost of pamphlets: 27 cents a copy, or $ 27.00 per hundred
These charges reflect our costs as a non-profit organization.
Please make cheque or money order payable to:
Stroke Recovery Burlington
Send to:
Stroke Recovery Burlington
460 Brant Street, Suite 320
L7R 4B6